Title - Alex Sager's Demon
Author - Lucinda Elliot
Formatter - Robert Wingfield of INCA (Paperback) & Streetlight Graphics (Kindle)
Cover Design - Robert Wingfield
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When the hard bitten, cynical writer Alex Sager catches sight of aspiring model Natalie Nicholson, he knows that he has to have her for good - never mind his friend Rick's obsession about how Aleks has invoked a curse at a Ouija board session ten years since, by insulting a disembodied entity calling itself 'The Magus'.
But then Alex begins to be haunted by one of his own characters - who claims he is related to Alex's idol Pushkin's Eugene Onegin. This other male will stop at nothing to win Natalie, and perhaps he's not even human.
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He does a lot more hand stroking and squeezing. She tries to block her thoughts not only from him, but also from herself. She can’t, however, block her sensations. "Don’t begin excluding me quite yet, Mrs Johnson. I know you can do as much in time; I feel your power. That fool Tupper knew you are stronger by far than he is. Even he succeeded in excluding me when I needed most to be at hand. I would talk with you longer. Continue to coax me, I love listening to you."
She is trying to surround herself with pure white light, but her imagination falters; she’s only aware of his touch. She says, disgusted by the quiver in her voice, "You are in love with this girl. Why are you trying to seduce me? Is it to gain power over me, so I can be discounted as opposition? After all, the other, more powerful practitioners are out of the country –" she breaks off.
He smiles again, and puts up one finger to run down her cheek. "Were those my motives, I would be a fool indeed, for you are an astute woman, and powerful, as I say. To fall foul of you by using you would be not only ungallant, but also stupid. I have confessed I do find you desirable. I suspect you might even persuade me to forget that girl who has rejected me so contemptuously, and my rage and thirst for vengeance."
He smiles again, tickling her fingers. "You might say that the whole balance of power rests in these soft hands. But is your heart as hardened against me as Natalie Nicholson’s, and Madam Lyudmilla’s before her?"
She can’t reply. He moves in for the kiss then. He doesn’t spoil things by haste. His every move is leisurely, which she supposes is to be expected in an experienced rake, who practices seduction as an art and doesn’t understand the Age of Hurry.

Lucinda Elliot was born in England and brought up in a series of isolated country mansions which her parents were renovating (before such a practice became fashionable). Perhaps this is why she writes gothic. She lived and worked in London for many years, and is an awkward so-and-so, currently living in Mid Wales with her family.

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