Friday, January 29, 2016

Guest Post for Author Lindsey Winsemius!

The Glamorous Life of a Self-Published Author

When I published my first book, friends and family would ask excitedly what it is like to be an author.
Let me rip aside the veil and give you a clear view of my glamorous life as an author.
It’s exactly like my previous life as a part time marketer and stay at home mom. Just with less sleep.
Everyone asks how my book is selling.
It’s not.
Which is mostly my own fault, because I spend about zero time promoting it. I don’t submit it to reviewers, polish my press kit, or pimp it out online.
I have met several fabulous women who work tirelessly on behalf of authors like me, and it makes me attempt to focus more time and energy on my own materials and promoting, to deserve the efforts they make on my behalf. (Yes, I’m talking about you Natasha, Julie, Melissa, Stacey, Kelly, and Gaynor).
But my days are mostly spent doing laundry, dishes, chauffeuring, cooking, and working at my real life job of marketing for a software company.
I’m that mom with bags under her eyes, up at midnight with only the light of my computer eerily illuminating my living room as I attempt to accomplish something, anything, on my writing and book promoting.
I don’t even want to look at the clock, because I know 6 AM will arrive much too soon, and with it the demands of a daily life that includes only in the periphery my status as an “author”.
After my first book published, with absolutely no fanfare or preparation beyond editing and formatting the manuscript, then hitting publish on Amazon, I felt like Alice down the rabbit hole, stumbling around trying to figure out how to promote my book.
The world of book promotion, like any industry, has many nuances that involve quite a learning curve. I’m pretty sure I’m still at the bottom of the curve, but I’m working my way up. I am nowhere NEAR to being an expert.

The industry itself is one that is evolving so quickly, once an author has mastered a marketing technique, it has become passe. In a market that is over-saturated, and an audience that is used to tuning out the noise from beginner authors like myself, I must find readers. And not just readers, but fans.
I know my story has resounded hundreds if not thousands of times over for other emerging authors like myself. Like any small business owner or entrepreneur, it’s not glamorous. It is a lot of work. A lot of tears, self-doubts, tripping over hurdles and getting back up to try again.
But in the end, the journey is worth it. I love writing, I love connecting with other authors passionate about their work, and the readers, bloggers, and promoters who give tirelessly of their time to help indie authors succeed.
I might not be glamorous, but I am surely blessed. How many of you other authors can relate? And how many readers can say thanks to those authors who keep putting out books year after year with little reward other than your positive reviews and (if they’re lucky) 30% of their royalties after VAT (I’m still not even certain what that means).
What’s your glamorous story? I’d love to hear it!


Lindsey Winsemius is an author, marketer, and supermom surviving on coffee and wine on the West Michigan Lakeshore. She’s currently published two romance novels, and is working on her third which will be released in summer 2016, assuming her wine and coffee don’t run out. Learn more about her and books on her website: and find her Facebook Page: /lindseywinsemiusauthor

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