Blog Tour ~ Beyond Death
Author: Deb McEwan
Genre: Supernatural/Suspense
Dates: 22nd of May ~ 2nd of June
Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours

What really happens when we die? Twenty-something Claire Sylvester is about to find out. The morning after the best night of her life she is taken before her time. Claire is suspended in her mysterious new world. She watches as the secret lives of those she loves unravels, and sadistic villains are punished on the road to their own personal hell. All the while a higher authority ponders her ultimate fate. More than Claire knows depends on her actions and those of the unlikely partner who accompanied her on her journey. What will be her final destination? Beyond Death - a supernatural thriller of love and loss, deceit and revenge, with a little romance and humour.
Buy Links:
Amazon.com ~ https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Death-Afterlife-Supernatural-Suspense-ebook/dp/B00KYTR3A2

Author Bio:
Following thirty odd years in the British Army, Deb and her husband Allan decided to become weather refugees and settle in Cyprus. Throughout her life Deb has dabbled with writing. Her first book was 'Reindeer Dreams' - a quirky rhyming Christmas story for children featuring Barry the reindeer and his family. Her first grown-up books about aliens and unearthly spiders could be explained as off the wall. The Afterlife trilogy came next with a few 'Jason the Penguin' books in between. The first book in the current series 'Unlikely Soldiers', is set in 1970s Britain, with others to follow through the decades. Deb now spends her time writing, working part-time, avoiding housework and playing tour guide along with Allan. She tries to keep the pounds off by playing netball and long-distance walking.
Visit her at:
Website: https://debmcewansbooksandblogs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debbie.mcewan.7
Twitter: https://twitter.com/deb_mcewan
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Deb-McEwan/e/B00LMBED2C

Thanks for featuring 'Beyond Death', Clarice. I hope your readers enjoy it. Have a great week. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking part in the tour Clarice. Have a great week. Deb :-)