Book: Hearts In Danger
Series: Heart #1
Author: Fiona Wilson
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Francessca’s PR & Design
Hosted By:Francessca’s Romance Reviews
Rebecca believes there is good in everyone, even though it may be hidden in some more than others. She also believes in love at first sight, yet has never managed to find it.
In one fell swoop she has the chance to prove both of her theories right, but fate has something more in store for her. Can she hold on to the happiness she has found?
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About The Author

I am a Scottish lass born and bred, grew up in Ayrshire now live in Bonnybridge. An avid reader as a child, my love of books has grown with me. I am a blogger, although I am currently taking an extended break, a reviewer and a beta reader. I am a huge supporter of indie authors, and still can't quite believe I'm about to join such an amazing group of people.
I work full time as a nanny in Edinburgh. To break the monotony of rush hour traffic I occasionally find myself daydreaming on my way home. It was during one of these journeys that the idea for Hearts in Danger came to me. Knowing I had to get the story out of my head I took part in Nanowrimo 2015. By the end of the month I had not only written over 50,000 words, I had surprised myself by sticking to it every single day.
What happens next, who knows? Wherever this journey takes me, though, I will be forever grateful for the help and support I have had along the way from family, friends, bloggers, reviewers and authors alike.
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