friend who was captured, as well as the rest of her rebel family. Although she is happy to be with her family again, she realizes how much she misses Braith. After Max coming back so different from what he used to be, Aria's family has a hard time believing that Braith did not ever do anything to hurt her. They don't understand anything about her being in love with him. Meanwhile Braith goes nuts for a little while after Aria leaves, gorging himself on blood. But it never satiates him. He wants her back....
This book goes in depth about the relationship between Braith and Aria. Their relationship is not a normal one. It would not have been normal if they were two humans or two immortal vampires. Braith has lived for several hundred years without encountering what he has with Aria. It's called a bloodlink. They are so connected they feel like they must be together, must be near each other. And it's driving Braith crazy because all he wants to do is protect her and keep her safe. However, at first he wants her to pay for leaving him and causing him to feel this way. But whenever Braith finds Aria again his mind is instantly changed. It is only through his sister and another vampire that has a bloodlink with her that he even finds out what it is. At the present time their bond has not been "completed", but the link is already so strong that if something happened to Aria it could drive Braith way over the edge of insanity. And many people could get hurt or killed. This bloodlink is a rare thing and never been heard of between a vampire and a human. Until now. And now Braith must choose between Aria or the life he already had. It will be difficult to get humans to trust a vampire.
Although this book goes more into the developing relationship between Braith and Aria, Erica Stevens still continues to keep it interesting. And though this is a new turn of the series for the reader and for the characters, it also has real life applications to it as well. So many people wish to find that special someone to share their life with and to feel such a deep connection with as these two characters. That is a part of the draw to this story. People like to be wanted and needed. However, the bloodlink is a rather unrealistic thing for the world we live in. After all, we aren't vampires. Braith does have to make a choice though. The moment he decided to leave his lavish home to go find Aria he had subconsciously chosen her. Instead of the cold hearted, uncaring vampire he could have decided to be, he chose love. It sounds a little chic flick like, but this level of love is much deeper and keeps your interest tied to the book.
We get to choose who we are in life. And the path is not always easy.
Kindle Edition: $2.99
*image via Erica Stevens
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