Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Books by Cheree Alsop!

Orion’s Fall:

The fall of Orion was the prophecy all of Earth awaited, but when the constellation vanished instead of the great ruling ship of the overlords, chaos fell across the savage land.
Zyla had always felt a connection to the constellation. While experts were busy speculating about vanishing star systems, astronomical impact, and the longevity of the battle that began as a result, Zyla started searching for Orion because, if the nightmares she kept having come true, they were in desperate need of a hero.

The Wolfborne Series Book 1- Defiance:

Werewolves are the guardians of sleeping vampires, protecting their masters during the deadly light of day. But what happens when a werewolf gets fed up with the persecution and tempts fate by breaking his chains and fleeing while his masters sleep?
Wounded and desperate, Zev finds himself at the mercy of a family who stumbles upon him during their own quest for vengeance against the demons of the night.

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